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Instructions & Videos

Please find below written and video instructions about how to buy, sell and view your EXIT369 NFT

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How to verify which NFT You Received:

Quick Guide to Verifying Acquired EXIT369 NFT

1. Access MetaMask Wallet

- Open MetaMask wallet.

- Note the number of tokens acquired (e.g., 1.19 tokens). You must have 1.0 or more tokens to acquire an EXIT369 NFT. 2.0 tokens and you will be issued 2 EXIT369 NFT’s and so on. You can acquire any number of tokens (Eg. 0.24 EXIT369, 0.55 EXIT369 or 3.69 EXIT369 and so on (each whole toke is divisible by 18 decimal places same as a bitcoin. For each whole number you will be issued an EXIT369 NFT. Once purchased you fold the value of your tokens as referenced by the token value on (search EXIT369)

2. Copy Wallet Address

- Copy your wallet address from MetaMask.

3. Visit Etherscan

- Go to (

4. Paste and Search Wallet Address

- Paste your wallet address into the search bar on

- Click on the wallet address to view details.

5. Check Overview section on Etherscan

- In the overview section, look for Token Holdings drop down menu

- at the bottom you will see “NFT Tokens ERC-721” Click to Verify the number of NFT tokens you hold. You can click on the image to expand the image. You can search for the NFT on Project EXIT369 to search your NFT and verify attributes.

6. Gamification - Getting issued a different NFT

- Note that trading out of the token in Uniswap below 1.0 will result in the NFT being burned back into our project.

- Buying back above 1.0 will issue a new NFT. When you buy back in over 1.0 you will be issued a new / different NFT. If you own below 1.0 tokens you will continue to hold the token value of whatever you own as referenced in

7. Verifying NFT

- By following these steps, you can verify which NFT you are currently holding.

- If you wish to acquire a different NFT with higher rank or different attributes, you can trade out just below 1.0, trade back in, and receive a new NFT.

8. Attribute verification

- For more details on NFT attributes and rankings, you can check

9. Conclusion

- This method provides a quick and easy way to determine the NFT you have acquired with the Exit 369 token.

- Thank you sincerely, EXIT369

Link to Video


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